2021 Design Awards

Last month, our work at Fort Sill was honored by the MD and OK state chapters of the ASLA.  We share credit with our great clients (the Army Corps of Engineers and Fort Sill’s Environmental Quality Division) and our esteemed collaborators at JESCO Environmental and R. C. Goodwin & Associates.  Kudos to the whole team!

Our project involved master planning the plant community on 9,000 acres of active Army installation in southwest Oklahoma. Prairie, wooded bottomlands and dry-hillside savannas once predominated here through the agency of fires and roaming buffalo herds.  Now, mowers and invasive woody plants prevail. The master plan provides a roadmap for kindling the site’s latent ecological richness. It also addresses historically-significant cultural landscapes to tell the rich and varied stories of the American West. 


Building Upon 2021


Out-Of-The-Office Reminder