Seminole Avenue Park
The Seminole Avenue Section of Baltimore's Gwynns Falls Park provides the immediate neighborhood with important recreational resources while also acting as a gateway landscape for accessing and enjoying the larger park's acres of woodlands, meadows and wilderness and its miles of trails along the tributaries and main valley of this secluded urban waterway. Working with Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, we are designing site improvements to help this section of the park reach is fullest potential as gateway and recreational hub. The transformed landscape features a new nature-play playground with integral planted attractions, a new walking-running trail, wayfinding signage, a restored flexible playing field and a fitness station promoting community well-being.
LOCATION Baltimore, MD
SIZE 1 acre
STATUS Design Ongoing
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Jonathan Ceci Landscape Architects
COLLABORATORS Client: City of Baltimore Recreation and Parks, Civil Engineer: Cityscape Engineering, Structural Engineer: Columbia Engineering